Sunday, July 6, 2014

Happy Birthday America!

July 6, 2014

Dear Family and Friends,

Monday was a fun day. We had RRA (restroom cleaning) and because it was Monday we didn't have to go out on the trails to clean those restrooms (every Monday and Thursday they get power washed by another crew). We started about 7:00am at the homestead and were done working about 10:30am so decided to do some exploring.

Here we are heading out in the "Bumblebee" to clean restrooms.

We went to Riverton, since we had never been there and wanted to check it out. We had lunch at the Dairy Queen and visited Ice Slough and Split Rock Meadow on the way home. In the evening we had another opportunity to tell the Ephraim Hanks Thisbe Read story to a trek group...a wonderful tender mercy.

Split Rock Meadow

Tuesday we were back out at Handcart Parking and with seven treks on the trail we had a very busy day. A tender mercy was that two of the treks had special needs kids with them and  I got to spend a few minutes with each of them and partake of their strong spirits. 

Wednesday we served the morning shift at the Visitor's Center and Thursday we did the afternoon shift. I love the afternoon shift because the morning is the perfect time to do the laundry and ironing and clean the house. This week I also made dinner for The Moench's, us and our neighbors the Paulsens. Sister Moench took a tumble on Sunday afternoon and broke her left foot and right wrist. The wrist needed surgery which she had on Wednesday. She's doing pretty well. Our neighbors, the Paulsen's,  pick things up for us when they go to town then won't let us pay so I like to do dinner for them every once in awhile. 

We celebrated the 4th by only working until noon. We were on road crew, repairing the potholes on the Sun Ranch road. As with everything we do we had a bit of fun on the job.

Elder Cherry's Chain Gang! Notice the ball and chains.

Elder Lindsey's job was to blow the dirt out of the hole before we added the asphalt patch.

I finally got to sit on the roller...maybe next week they'll let me run it!

After a relaxing afternoon we went to the Pavilion where it was party central. Elder Lindsey was on BBQ duty cooking hamburgers.

We also had hot dogs, grilled onions, potato salad, watermelon, and apple crisp with ice cream for dessert. It's true what we say..."no one has starved at Martin's Cove since 1856!"

Sister Seely the ranch cowboy's wife put on a wonderful concert. She is a very talented singer and songwriter and we will miss her when they move to Nebraska next month. Check out her website at

During intermission we had a flag ceremony with all the Veterans participating. At the end of the concert we all got sparklers and had a unity ceremony lighting them one by one while singing "God Bless America". We ended the evening by watching a fireworks display on the big screen. It was a wonderful celebration of the birth of this country that we all love so very much.

Elder Lindsey found a hat he really liked!

Wyoming fireworks!

Saturday was our "P" day. After our party on Friday night we slept in until 7:30am when we were awakened by the ranch cowboys herding cattle for branding right outside our motor home.  We went into Casper then relaxed at home in the afternoon before we enjoyed dinner with our neighbors the Paulsen's.

Church was very full today, we must have had over a hundred visitors with lots of little children. During testimony meeting I was thinking about how blessed we'd been this last month with visits from President and Sister Anderson our Mission President and from Elder and Sister Clark of the Seventy. I  love that they both emphasised that we are not tour guides but missionaries who testify of the Savior. I've tried to take that to heart this month by taking every opportunity to tell people how the pioneers did what they did and sacrificed what they did because they loved God and his Son, Jesus Christ. I testify to them  that we each have handcarts in our life that we must pull or push and that when the burden gets to be too much Heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus Christ will be there by our side helping us just as they did the pioneers.

We will have our "break the fast breakfast" soon, I'm making french toast and Elder Lindsey has this months video ready to show. We have a full week ahead with some new experiences which I'll tell you about next week.

Love and prayers to all of you but this week especially to our grandson Jacob who will fly to the MTC in Mexico City to begin his mission.

Elder and Sister Lindsey

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