Sunday, August 3, 2014

Finding Joy

August 3, 2014

Monday we had afternoon Visitors Center and we both enjoyed spending time with and sharing testimonies with the great people who stopped by. Some come knowing why they are here and others turn in because they had a feeling they should. The highlight of my afternoon was taking a family with four children on a tour, two teenage girls and two boys, nine and five. The five year old, Cameron  quickly became a friend sharing with me his five year old wisdom which I found delightful. The highlight of the tour was when I was showing the family a replica of the odometer built by William Clayton when Cameron looked up at me and said "You weren't here then...were you?" His mother was mortified but I thought it was the cutest thing I've heard in a long time and our friendship was firmly cemented.

Cameron and his "not that old" friend Sister Lindsey.

Tuesday I did a school group while Elder Lindsey did lawns; mowing, edging and getting the baptismal font ready for a Sweetwater River baptism. My school group didn't start until 11:30am so I spent the morning in the Sewing Center. I trimmed two quilts to prepare them to be bound and I added pockets to my new apron something I didn't have time to do last week. Todays school group were Jr High kids from Casper. It was different than taking the fourth graders we usually have but they were a great group of kids and their teacher was really nice. 

The kids are inside the blacksmith shop getting their "Prairie Diamonds"

Wednesday we did morning Visitors Center then after our neighbors, the Paulsen's got done at Veil Crossing the four of us took off for the mountains. Because most of our driving would be on dirt roads we took their truck. We went to the top of the mountain just west of Ranch 66 and the view was spectacular. We could even see Ranch 66 way out in the distance. It was easily recognized because it was the only spot with trees in the whole valley. We roasted hot dogs and just had a delightful time enjoying the trees, the cool mountain air, the view and the company!

Our friends, Elder and Sister Paulsen

Thursday we had work crew. Elder Lindsey, Elder Paulsen and Elder Taylor Jr spent the day replacing part of the facade on the restrooms with new logs that have been made to look old. After Sister Taylor Jr and I finished weeding we helped the guys load the truck with the debris and take a load to the dump (located on the ranch). I want to be there when they have that bon fire.

Off with the old...

Elder Lindsey sometimes gets to drive heavy equipment too!

On Thursday afternoon my sister Patty and her husband Gene came to visit. They were on their way home from visiting Gene's family. We had a lovely visit. The weather was perfect for a BBQ and then after dinner we took a rover up to Martin's Cove. There were lots of antelope and other animals out so Gene was able to get some nice pictures.

Patty and Gene with Elder Lindsey and I

On Friday morning after breakfast I headed out to work crew while Elder Lindsey who was on another assignment took Patty and Gene on a "deluxe tour" of the Visitors Center and the Homestead. When I got done on road crew I was able to join them for awhile before they headed to Independence Rock and then home. It is wonderful to have family visit!

Friday while Elder Lindsey put the slide show for Fast Sunday "break the fast breakfast" I made a potato salad and got ready for more family visits. Elder Lindsey's brother Bob and Bob's son Brad arrived in the afternoon to spend the weekend with us. After resting up a bit we took them to see Independence Rock and then did the "deluxe tour" of the Visitors Center and Homestead. We had another nice evening for a BBQ so we ate hamburgers and potato salad outside. 

Saturday morning after breakfast we headed off to Martin's Cove. Elder Lindsey waited for us at Handcart Parking so as to not aggravate his knee while Bob, Brad and I hiked Martin's Cove. I hear the story they are telling is that I made them run the loop around the Cove...twice!

Me, Brad and Bob off the hike Martin's Cove

Saturday afternoon we relaxed and cooked Dutch oven ribs. After ribs and potato salad we headed for the Pavilion for movie night and Dutch oven desserts. I made a chocolate pudding cake and put together an apple dumpling dessert for Sister Smith who was serving at the Visitors' Center. We had a great turn out, all the desserts were yummy especially topped with ice cream! Scott, the man we met last week joined us for the movie and requested a Book of Mormon. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to testify of Gospel truths. 

Church was great, as always. Bob commented on the strong spirit that was there. Bob also commented that until people come to Martin's Cove they don't understand the spirit that you feel the moment you arrive on the property. I've tried to convey it in my blog posts but the truth is the only way to know it is to come here and walk the trails yourself. I hope each of you can do that someday.

Bob and Brad headed back to Ogden after church. We really enjoyed their visit. It's wonderful to serve a mission but nothing beats visits from family and friends. We will be thinking of our granddaughter Hannah this week as she marries Nathan Taylor in the Gilbert Arizona Temple. 

Don't look for a blog post next week. We will serve at Rock Creek Hollow from Wednesday,  August 6th to Wednesday, August 13th and will have great cell service but no internet. I'll write all about our adventures in two weeks.

This has been another week in which we've found joy in so many things; our work as missionaries, visits from loved ones, messages from friends and family and answered prayers. We love you all.

Elder and Sister Lindsey


  1. Sister Lindsey, I'm so happy I found your blog! We just returned home last night from our amazing family church history trip. We had a wonderful time, and we are so grateful that you and your husband are sharing your testimonies at Martin's Cove. It was very sweet of you to take such good care of us, and we feel very priveledged to be on your blog. Cameron says hello! -Sister Shandi Wyckoff

    1. Sister Wyckoff,
      Tell Cameron that despite what my mom says she was really there with the pioneers! I glad you were able to visit Martin's Cove and Cameron has a new friend!
      Jim F.

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