Sunday, December 21, 2014


Dear Friends and Family,

Winter arrived Monday morning with snow and ice and very cold temperatures. Snow in South Dakota is different than in Utah in that snow doesn't fall blows. That means some spots have very little snow while others like the door in front of the church, our front door and anywhere we park the car has  large drifts of snow. Also because of the wind and blowing snow it was a no drive advisory day. We did venture out to get the mail and then I spent the afternoon in the church baking. I needed a new supply of muffins since I serve muffins and soup after our ARP classes. I also am doing Christmas baking and candy making so we can take plates of goodies to Branch members and some of the less active members we are working with.

Tuesday we got a huge surprise when we went to the post office...packages! Our thanks to Fran and Howard Holfeltz for the fleece blankets which are going into Christmas boxes we are putting together for a couple of needy families. Another thank you to the members of the ward who sent us a little box of goodies. We feel your love.

Wednesday was our ARP meeting and this week the focus was on hope. The hope that Jesus Christ brings into our life when we despair of ever truly being the person we want to be. The hope that when we fall today that tomorrow will be better. The hope that is in our hearts that no  matter our challenges and sins the Atonement of Jesus Christ can make everything right again. After meeting we had social time around the table enjoying taco soup and muffins. We love our association with the people who participate in these classes.

Saturday was our Branch Christmas brunch and Nativity. We had a great time. I made French toast and the branch provided ham and others brought, pancakes, waffles, fresh cinnamon rolls, donuts fruit, juice and hot chocolate...a virtual feast!

Mary (Averi) and Joseph (Tavian) with baby Jesus (Colton). 

We just love these kiddos!

Saturday afternoon we prepared for Jim, Jenni and the kids to arrive. It is a long trip from Mattawan, Michigan and we were thrilled that they were able to visit us on their way to Utah for Christmas. They arrived about 10:30pm and after dinner (spaghetti and garlic bread) we took them over to the Barker's where they took over their basement. We can never thank the Barkers enough for putting them up for the two nights they were here. There are just not any motels close by so their hospitality made this family visit possible.

Sunday was wonderful. Zach gave the opening prayer in Sacrament meeting. Kati gave a beautiful talk about Christmas in the Ukraine and the ways in which the missionaries tried to bring the true message of Christmas to the people they came in contact with. We also got to hear her bear her testimony in Russian. Then the Primary children (including Parker) sang two Christmas songs. They did a wonderful job! Jacob spoke next. He talked about keeping Christ the focus of Christmas. Kati and Sister Gilson did a wonderful piano/violin number "Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel" By this time we were about bursting our buttons we were so proud! Jim was the last speaker and he too made us proud. He started by telling everyone that he was the favorite child because he came to visit....actually more importantly he brought the grandchildren to see us! He talked about memories of Christmas and what really matters at this time of and the memories we make with them. Jenni then gave the closing prayer. Way to go family...we love you!

We had a traditional Sunday dinner in the church, pot roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, salad and vegetables. We invited the Barker family to join us and Sister Barker made her wonderful rolls. For dessert we had apple pie and ice cream.

Family time is the best...for us this was Christmas dinner!

The kids table. That's parker in the green shirt.

After dinner and clean up the Barkers headed for home and everyone else headed to the motor home where we put the couch down and spread out and watched a couple movies and visited.

Zach found a comfortable spot on the floor!

 Parker found his spot.

Jim, Tyson and Jacob stretched out.

Kati tried to stay awake for the movie but that chair is just too comfortable!

We never imagined we could fit nine people in the motor home and be comfortable but we did and we were. It gives us a lot of joy to spend time with family, especially the grandchildren. We love them all so much and are so proud of the people they have become.Our poor Tyson wasn't feeling well and by tonight was running a fever so his dad and grandpa gave him a blessing before the family headed back to the Barkers for the night. We will have breakfast together in the morning before they head to Utah.

We wish all of you a wonderful Christmas. We love you.
Elder and Sister Lindsey

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