Monday, March 23, 2015

Party Time!

Dear Family and Friends,

Our work here in Rosebud is winding down as we prepare to say goodbye to our friends here and head back to Martin's Cove in another week. Monday was a long day as I had committed to myself to finish our blanket project that we (the Relief Society Sisters) started in January. I was able to get 30 newborn size blankets completed and ready to donate to the hospital.

Here is a sample of how we did these blankets. We pieced the tops then used larger pieces for the bottoms. I sewed them together right sides then turned them inside out and top stitched the edges.

30 blankets done.

This project has been filled with sweet tender mercies from the beginning. Starting with my friend Jan Harris being given all this material and her being impressed to contact me to see if we had a need for it here. Then the first night we worked on the quilts and blankets at Relief Society we had 12 non member Sisters join us in making them. Then there was Wanda whose parents are members in Puerto Rico who has graciously done the finish work on all of the quilts we've made. And lastly there will be more than 30 newborn babies who will be wrapped in blankets of love. 

Tuesday to celebrate St Patricks Day I made an Irish dinner of corned beef and cabbage (or a New England boiled dinner).

It was delicious. When the Elders came by later in the evening we shared with them too!

Wednesday we took a road trip to Mitchell SD the home of the only Corn Palace in the world. 

All these pictures are made with corn cobs and they really are beautiful. Every year in August the Palace is redone with new pictures inside and out using new corn cobs.

We enjoyed a fun day visiting Cabela's, having lunch at Red Robin and we even found pellets for our Traeger at a local farm store. On the way home we visited our favorite meat market in Winner and stocked up on a few items for the freezer. We arrived home in time to attend our Cub troops Pinewood Derby and Green Dinner. 

Elder Lindsey enjoying his Green Dinner!

Savannah thinks Elder Lindsey is funny!

Savannah was a big fan of the green cheesecake!

Remember the baby shower in Greysen Jaden. He came with his beautiful mommy Shannon and his Grandma Maxine to watch his big brother Conner participate in the Pinewood derby.

Saturday Elder Lindsey and I threw a western themed party for our friends here in Rosebud. We wanted to say thank you for all the love and support they gave us while we served here. We served sloppy Joe's, macaroni salad, and baked beans and others brought chips, salad and dessert. After dinner Elder Lindsey showed a short video of our first year on our mission. The kids loved seeing themselves in the movie. After the movie we cleared the tables and taught the square dance Oh Johnny Oh. I could write more but pictures tell the story better.

Elder Lindsey and I waiting for our guests to arrive.

Annette and Angel enjoying dinner.

Grandma (Maxine) with Greyson

Keaton enjoying dinner. Love this guy!

I said "can you give me a smile?" Conner is going to be a heartthrob in a few years!

Jack will turn 3 on Sunday so we had a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday with cake and ice cream for dessert. He was very excited about his tractor cake.

Sunday was another spirit filled day with a great Relief Society lesson, excellent talks in Sacrament meeting plus we had the blessing of sweet baby Greyson and his big brother Conner who will be baptised next year. Elder Lindsey says I'm just getting old and forgetful...aren't we all because I forgot to post this blog last night! Any way I want to close with a couple more pictures that I took on Sunday.

Annette and Angel have been caring for quite a crew recently. Bless them for blessing the lives of these sweet children who have seen way to much heartache and pain in their short lives. Each of these little ones love and adore their Aunties.

In the afternoon Sister Barker and I took the quilts the Relief Society made for Annettes kiddos over to them. Hayden loves his...Hayden is usually the only boy in a house full of women but he manages to keep them on their toes!

Unique snuggling with her new quilt.

Hope all is well with everyone. We love you much,
Elder and Sister Lindsey

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