Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sunny Days and Family Fun

Dear Family and Friends,

Monday Elder Lindsey was assigned to Veil Crossing Bridge while I had a school group. He had a very quiet morning and when I finished with my school group I took our lunch out and joined him. We had a family trek come out pulling a handcart and I shared the Ellen Neibaur story with them and Elder Lindsey told them a little about the bridge itself. We took pictures for them and sent them on their way. Right behind the family was the school groups. We had them park their handcarts and Elder Lindsey told them the Legend of Devil's Gate. Normally us Sisters would tell that story when we take them around to the different sites but Elder Lindsey asked us to save it for him and he and the kids enjoyed the experience.

Elder Lindsey sitting on the bridge and telling the story.

When we arrived home we received a tender mercy in that someone had mowed our lawn which gave Elder Lindsey a good headstart on his chores. 

Tuesday we painted the west end of the duplex and a couple of large storage boxes. We worked hard and were able to finish by 12:30pm which made all of us very happy since the sun was starting to really warm us up. Yea for sunshine!

During correlation meeting Wednesday morning Sister Mellor and I worked up a little song and dance routine we performed for Elder Mellor when he got up to give out work crew assignments. Everyone loved it and Elder Mellor was stunned he but did like the Angel food cake with strawberries and whip cream we presented him with. Whenever Senior Missionaries get together you can always expect the unexpected!

We had horns and tails as we were devils in blue shirts and blue jeans.

We don't want to paint or pull them weeds, we want to go home and take a long nap but someone has us in a trap!

After correlation we worked on putting on the final coat of authentic 1872 chink on the barn. Unfortunately we ran out of concrete so weren't able to finish the job but it won't take long to complete once we get the material we need.

Sister James and I needed to lay down on the job to do the job.

Thursday we had the morning shift at the Visitors' Center. We didn't have much to do in the morning but after lunch things picked up. I was able to spend time with two very special families. One in particular I considered a tender mercy because they had a severely handicapped son and as we got to talking she and I had many similar experiences in life. At the end of our visit I was impressed to tell her of the special experience we had of doing Jonathan's Temple work the day after he died. She cried as she told me that that was something sh'e been trying to get answers about for the last several years.

The other family were heading to Utah for vacation. Mom and Dad and two great teenagers and a delightful little girl. They had such a good spirit about them it was wonderful to just be in their presence. Spending time with families like this is what makes serving at Martin's Cove so wonderful.

They wanted a picture with me in it so I told them in that case they'd be on my blog!

We got home just in time to greet Heather and the kids. We were so excited to see them and we spent the rest of the afternoon and evening just visiting and getting and giving lot's of  much needed grandchildren hugs. Skyler and Caleb decided they wanted to spend their nights with us in the motorhome and we were delighted to have them do just that!

Friday morning we got up early and headed in to the Homestead to do RRA (clean restrooms). We were able to get our work done and then spend the rest of the day with family. After breakfast and cleaning up we headed out to trek Martin's Cove. 

Kendra, Grandpa, Skyler, Grandma and Caleb at the river crossing.

Father and daughter (Heather)

It was hot and the wind did not blow (a time when you wish it would) but we had a wonderful trek. Grandpa loved telling the stories of the handcart pioneers and the story of his Great Grandfather who also traveled this path pulling a handcart on his way to Salt Lake City.

After trekking we went to the Homestead and took the family through the Visitors' Center. Finally we got to Skyler's favorite part...pulling a handcart through Prairie Park. He (and they) quickly found out how tough it is to pull the handcart even a short distance.

We found Caleb was great at pushing the handcart and everyone (except mom) loved riding in the handcart.

We were lucky enough the whole weekend to have weather nice enough to spend a lot of time outside and were even able to eat all our meals at the picnic table in our yard. Skyler made friends with our friends Elder and Sister Stull who are rock hounds. Elder Stull showed him how he cuts and polishes rocks and introduced him to different types of rocks. Skyler spent the weekend finding and collecting the types of rocks Elder Stull told him about and when we got back from any adventure he'd head over to the Stull trailer to show off his finds.

Saturday was our Preparation day. We headed out early to attend the roundup and branding of the new calves on the ranch. 

Roping the calves.

Branding the calves. They also give shots and put in ear tags.

Skyler loved the horses.

After we left the roundup we headed over to Independence Rock where Grandma and Grandpa enjoyed relaxing on the bench at the bottom while everyone else climbed to the top.

They made the top!

On our way back home we stopped at the overlook to Devil's Gate to show everyone a different view.

Kendra and Grandpa...two of a kind!

Mooing to the cows!

Kendra, always the dancer!

Overlooking the Homestead.

We spent the rest of Saturday relaxing, enjoying a nap (the Grandparents) and taking a nice long walk (Heather, Kendra and Caleb) and just enjoying our time together. We BBQed and ate dinner outside and then watched a movie before turning in for the night. 

Sunday we all attended Sacrament meeting together. The meeting became extra special for us when Kendra bore her testimony of the Gospel. She is leaving in early September for her mission to Jamaica and we are so proud of the beautiful (inside and out) young woman she has become.  All to soon it was time to say goodby. With lots of hugs and a few tears we managed to let them go.

Another week has passed and again the one ahead will prove to be busy and filled with new experiences. Our prayer is and will continue to be that we will serve in the way the Lord wants us to serve. 

We love you all,
Elder and Sister Lindsey

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