Sunday, June 8, 2014

Snakes, Trekking & Stake Conference

June 8, 2014

Dear family and Friends,
On Monday we were originally assigned to Welcome Post where we would greet all visitors coming to Martin's Cove but a last minute switch put us back out at Handcart Parking where we had a great day greeting visitors and telling pioneer stories. The day was beautiful and we had visitors from as far away as South Carolina. We also had a couple from East Mill Creek in Salt Lake City who know our friends Doug and Carolyn Tebbs (she used to run with Carolyn until her knees gave out). Small world! Since I wore one of my thrift store outfits I insisted on a couple of pictures.

First one with Elder Lindsey. This is called trail dress and is what we wear to do anything other than work crew including going to town or on treks.

I had to make sure you saw the red boots!

Monday we had a special FHE with Richard Benedict who played the senior Ephraim Hanks in the movie Ephraim's Rescue. He gave a great presentation on finding your purpose and taking the correct fork in the road the one that allows you to rescue and be rescued. After we watched the movie he answered questions about the filming. Anybody else out their recognize that beard from another film he might have done? When I saw this picture I realized I looked like I'd been out in the wind most of the day...I call it my Wyoming windy allergy look!!! Yuck! 

Tuesday was a work day for us. We helped finish the painting at Cherry Creek Campground. The missionaries have been painting benches, outhouses and a water buffalo out there for at least the past six weeks. It was a huge undertaking to get everything from a redwood color to BLM brown and we are very proud of the results. While most of us were painting several of the  Elders were weed whacking under benches and around fire pits so that those sneaky little snakes can't sneak up on our trekkers.

Elder's Lindsey and Grover weed whacking away!

Speaking of snakes, on our way back out to finish our projects after lunch we came upon Elder Ormsby trying to take down a rattlesnake who thought the camp host cabin was a good place to hang out. Since we are the Camp Hosts next week I was all in favor of removing him from the premises.

My heroes Elder Lindsey and Elder Smith! The snake minus the head which we buried. The rest of the snake we gave to Elder and Sister Stull who are currently curing the skin.

Wednesday morning we worked with two other couples in the morning to remove all the old carpet from the Visitor's Center in preparation for the carpet layers who arrived that afternoon. It was a big job but we finished it before lunch.

When I come home I can hire out as a day laborer!

In the afternoon we put a boarder around some lawn that needed help, then raked it to get it ready for seed and after that we raked the rocks to pull them back up to the edge of the lawn. The rocks have a tendency to travel. While working on the lawn project we met some of the leaders for our trek group who in turn invited us to dinner!

We do great work! It still amazes me what a bunch of old folks can do.

After cleaning up and changing into trail dress we headed to Cherry Creek Campground for dinner and after dinner square dancing. Our group was so much fun. They were a ward from Almo, Idaho 125 strong so they had babies to seniors. It was so much fun to watch the little ones square dance.

I love this picture of these boys. There was no way they were going to dance but they seemed to have a great time watching. 

Thursday morning we met our trek group on the trail at 9:30am as they trekked in from the campground. Our first stop was the river crossing where they reenact the November 4, 1856 river crossing in a snowstorm. I set the stage with a couple of stories from the pioneer journals and talked about the difficulties of that day for the Martin Handcart Company. The river was pretty high and swift so even though the weather was warm the crossing was a bit difficult which gave them a sense of what the pioneers experienced.

After the river crossing we went to the Statues that depict the Valley Boy's helping the people across the river. It really is all about the Aaronic Priesthood and Elder Lindsey gave a nice presentation there. Next we went to Handcart parking for a restroom break and to fill water bottles before we headed into Martin's Cove. As we traveled Elder Lindsey was at the front of the group and I traveled at the end so we could make sure no one got lost. We had radios to communicate with. 

Before we headed into Martin's Cove we stopped at the Dan Jones Amphitheatre where Elder Lindsey and I each share a story about something that happened at Martin's Cove in November of 1856. After a family musical number we headed up into Martin's Cove in three separate groups. It was a lovely peaceful day, a perfect day really to look around and try to picture just where the 20 person tents could have been setup and imagine people huddled around fires trying to stay warm. Next we returned to Handcart Parking for restrooms and lunch. On the way back to Staging to return handcarts I walked with two little girls who were maybe 5 or 6 years old. They were walking in memory of a pioneer and were quite knowledgeable about them. What little troopers, they had walked about 6 miles and were happy and full of energy. 

All in all, our first trek (and the first major trek of the season for Martin's Cove) was great; great people, beautiful weather, a perfect day really!

Friday we had afternoon Visitor's Center ( so we used our free morning to do laundry, ironing and give the motor home a good cleaning inside and out). I did the inside and Elder Lindsey did the yard and cleaned the outside windows.

The new carpet in the Visitor's Center looks very nice. We had quite a few guests, many of them not members of our faith. I took a family of three from Boston through. They were so warm and gracious. They were doing a cross country tour to take their daughter out to do her medical residency in the Oakland, California. They were from India and were Hindu. They also wanted to know what to see in Salt Lake City so I sent them straight to Temple Square telling them if they went to Rome they would want to visit Vatican City so in Salt Lake they must visit Temple Square. I felt impressed to give the daughter a BOM and she accepted it graciously. I told her it would add to the scriptures she has.

Elder Lindsey spent about an hour with a couple from Santa Fe, New Mexico who were traveling and wanting to know all about the history of the area. They sure seemed to have a good time together and really that's what it is all about, making friends that you might only meet for an hour but who leave with a warm feeling and good impression. Then they in turn carry those good feelings about us into good feelings about our Church.

Saturday was of course our "P" day and it was also the Casper Stake Conference so many of the missionaries (including us) decided to stay overnight rather than drive back after the evening meeting and return again in the morning. We made our usual breakfast stop at McDonalds then found the Salvation Army Thrift Store to drop off the old bedroom TV from the motor home that we removed so as to have more storage space. After that we went to see the new Tom Cruise movie "Edge of Tomorrow." We really enjoyed it; non stop action, great acting and no raunchiness. Next it was Walmart for groceries then to check into the motel before meeting 16 couples for dinner at Outback before going to Conference.

In the meeting President Paris the second counselor in the Stake Presidency  made a comment that really stuck with Elder Lindsey and I. He said that if when you are serving a mission you will realize that it is not your time you are donating but that this period of time in your life belongs to the Lord you will be a better missionary, one who is willing to do whatever you are asked.

I had dreamed for a month about sleeping in a king size bed and having a long shower but alas I'm already a "ranch gal" because I had a hard time going to sleep with all the noise and the bed was too big!

Sunday morning session of Conference was good. We got back home by 1:00pm and after putting the groceries away and unpacking we are spending a relaxing afternoon...a nap might even be on the schedule. We have a full week ahead as we are Campground Hosts and we have 10 of the 17 treks coming in staying at our campground! Read all about week.

Wyoming weather update: After most days this week being sunny and warm (70's and 80's) today the high is 45 and rainy. Proves the saying that  "in Wyoming Winter is not a season but a possibility" is true!

We love you all so much, you are always in our prayers,
Elder and Sister Lindsey

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