Sunday, February 22, 2015

Pies/Rolls and Meetings

Dear Family and Friends,

Much of what we do every week is the same as the week before and for that reason I don't always talk about everything we do every week because my goal is to not bore you to tears. I also don't want you to think on any given week that we only do what you read about lest you think "wow, that wasn't a very busy week." Some weeks are more crowded than others but every Sunday we look back and think where did the time go and how has another week passed us by already.

This week at our ARP meeting we again had someone new join us. The word is getting out and we have people who have done the 12 Step Program but who like the added benefit of our faith based 12 steps joining us. We served Zuppa Toscana soup and breadsticks for lunch. Elder Lindsey has perfected a good breadstick recipe and one of the men asked for the soup recipe so we felt lunch was a success.

Friday we attended District Meeting in Winner. Elder Hildreth is our new District Leader and he did a great job training and leading the meeting. One of the things we talked about is what the Elders referred to as our motto in Rosebud (one I came up with) which is when working on the Reservation we have no expectations but we have hope. I explained that I came up with this because I realized that when I had expectations of people and the things they do or don't do I will always experience disappointment which makes it harder to love unconditionally.  On the other hand if I have hope for the people we work with and teach I will always be able to love them no matter what their behavior is.

Elders Byron and Hildreth our Rosebud Elders.

On our way home from Winner we stopped in Oak Creek and took a couple of pictures.

This is a pretty little Episcopal Church just off the highway.

This monument from WW1 stands just outside the church in the picture above.

Saturday was a cold and snowy day so we stayed home and passed the time preparing for Sunday. Elder Lindsey baked four pies for potluck after church on Sunday.

2 Lemon Meringue a Cherry and a Peach

He even does his own dishes...who knew!

I made rolls again but this time after letting the dough rise I punched it down and covered it and put it into the refrigerator overnight then on Sunday morning I rolled them out let them rise again and baked them fresh. They turned out great!

Yea...I'm proud!

I spent much of the day Saturday working on quilt blocks for more baby blankets. I finally got all of the flannel my friend Jan sent us cut into blocks. We will now work on putting them together and making more blankets for the hospital to give away. Elder Lindsey created a video we plan on showing next month at a Branch party.

Quilt blocks

Earlier in the week I finished two more quilts and three blankets.

It was High Council Sunday and since our speaker travels almost two hours to get to us we decided to have a potluck. We try to do them once a month. Everyone makes such good food and we have fun visiting and the children have a good time eating at their own table and playing together.

So while the cleanup was happening I was holding a couple babies (better than doing dishes) and all of a sudden I noticed I had my own little following. I felt a little like the Pied Piper!

How many babies can Sister Lindsey hold? 

We continue to have changeable weather. We had a couple days in the 50's but today our high was 12 degrees. As we look out the window though and watch the sun setting on the hills just east of us we feel blessed to be here. The Gospel is true and what a privilege it is for us to serve this  mission. 

We love you,
Elder and Sister Lindsey

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