Sunday, May 17, 2015

Happy Birthday Elder Lindsey/Proud Grandparents

Dear Family and Friends,

Warmer weather arrived! Yea!!! We did have some rain but no freezing temperatures which made us very happy. Monday I had school group and Elder Lindsey was on work crew. I had a fun group of ten fourth graders from Lander, Wyoming.

Here we are in the sewing room where we talk about pioneer clothing and why they wore the type of clothing they did. We also have a bin of hats, bonnets, aprons and vests the students can try on. 

Elder Lindsey spent the morning clearing snow off walkways and roof ledges. Tuesday the weather cooperated and we were finally able to do our yearly highway cleanup. I still don't understand why people throw trash out the windows and don't even get me started on what truck drivers throw out their windows...disgusting!

Finally Sister Bigler, Sister Cook and I reached the end of the road!

Elder Lindsey and Elder Jensen emptying the trash bags out of the back of the pick up. We managed to finish the clean up (a mile on either side of the entrance to Martin's Cove both sides of the road)  in the morning and after lunch we headed home.

Wednesday morning Elder Lindsey and I raked gravel to fill in bare spots around the Homestead. After lunch we headed to town with Elder and Sister Stimpson. Because I still haven't been feeling in top form we stopped at Instacare first. This time they did some blood work and discovered I had an elevated white count indicating an infection so he put me on a different antibiotic and I'm hoping to be on the mend soon. Next we went to Sam's Club to buy groceries for a dinner we will be preparing for CES training next Monday. Then it was on to Walmart for more groceries. After a quick stop at Great Clips for a bang trim for me we headed over to Outback Steakhouse to celebrate Elder Lindsey's birthday. The food was great, the company fun and we all left with take out boxes and very full tummies.

Elder Lindsey shared his dessert with all of us!

Thursday Elder Lindsey went into  Correlation meeting without me since I still wasn't feeling well. They sang "Happy Birthday" to him. After doing a few thing around the Homestead he joined me at Missionary Village to help get ready for the welcome dinner for the last of our remaining missionaries. Thursday evening we had dinner for our last five arriving missionary couples. We are so excited to have them here!

Friday morning dawned wonderful...I felt good for the first time in three weeks and our Granddaughter Kati and her boyfriend Russell arrived in the evening to spend the weekend with us. In the morning we had school group. I took one of the four groups around and Elder Lindsey did the tour of Fort Seminoe for all four groups. After lunch we worked with the Christensen's and Elder Jensen to do the weekly deep clean of the barn then we headed for home to fix dinner and await Kati and Russell's arrival.

Here we are dressed in our pioneer clothes waiting for our school group to arrive.

Saturday was our preparation day so after breakfast we headed into Martin's Cove with Kati and Russell. There was a large trek from Canada on the trail so our first stop was the footbridge to watch them cross the river. 

Kati and Russell

We stopped at the statues and told them of the Valley Boy's and their rescue of the Martin Company when crossing the Sweetwater River. Next we trekked into Martin's Cove where because we were protected from the wind we were much warmer. On our way back to the Homestead on the front trail we stopped at Handcart Parking and Veil Bridge where we and the missionaries assigned there told the stories of the pioneers. 

At Veil Crossing Bridge Elder Burdette asked Russell about his mission and in the small world department discovered Russell served for a short time with the son of a close family friend of both he and President Bushman. After eating lunch we toured the Visitors' Center and the other buildings on the Homestead then it was home where the kids took a nap and I wrote my talk for Sunday. We BBQed flank steak for dinner then watched Ephraim's Rescue since neither Kati or Russell had seen it.

It's not easy to push a handcart!

Sunday was a busy day. Elder Lindsey and I were one of the two missionary couples to talk in church and Kati played a violin solo;For the Beauty of the Earth. It was beautiful and we were very proud. Everyone loved it and she and Russell were surrounded by Senior Missionaries, some who served in Ukraine and many who were interested in Russell's missionary experiences in Vietnam. After potluck we took a mission picture. Elder Lindsey setup the camera and Kati and Russell took the pictures.

Fifty one couples strong!

After pictures we gathered in the Trek Center for the CES fireside. 

It was fun to see Clint and Kyle again and to meet Jonathan.

Proof the wind still blows in Wyoming! We sure do love these kids and are so grateful they chose to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa!

Two cuties! So fun to be with them!

Another week has ended and as always it seemed to fly by. Being able to spend time with Kati and Russell this weekend just reminded us of the importance of families and why family is central to Heavenly Father's  plan. We love our family so very much and are so proud of them and we rejoice in the good and righteous choices our grandchildren are making in their lives.

Our love and prayers are with each of you,
Elder and Sister Lindsey

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