Sunday, May 31, 2015

Rain, rain and more rain!

Dear Family and Friends,

Just like much of the country we are getting saturated with rain. If I didn't know the Lord keeps his promises I might think we need to start building another ark. Monday was our preparation day so we headed into Rawlins to do a little shopping and get some chicken at KFC to satisfy Elder Lindsey's craving.

Tuesday we spent the day chinking the back side of the barn. We finished, now we just need another drier day to put the mud on and then the chinking project will be complete.

This little guy lives under the barn but was brave enough to come out a check our progress on the chinking.

This beautiful moth spent the day watching our progress.

After we got home we noticed the cowboys outside doing a mini roundup of a few cows so we went out and watched and of course took a couple of pictures.

This is Moroni, the summer intern on the ranch.

This view of the cattle heading to the trailer for transport is very different than anything we would see out our windows at home in SLC. We are going to miss the country life.

Wednesday was a fun day. It was Sister's Day in Casper. We headed out at 8:00am and went first to Christopher & Banks. They opened an hour early for us and we always make it well worth it for them. After checking out a couple other stores at the mall our group headed to our favorite consignment store, Posh, where we all found some great bargains. We met at an Asian buffet for lunch then it was off to check out more thrift stores...we just love bargains. On our way home we stopped at the Homestead where I dropped of dinner for Elder Lindsey  (Olive Garden). He was assigned to afternoon Visitors' Center so was working until 9:00pm.  After putting things away at home I joined Sister's Brandon and Stimpson at Sister Paynes where they taught me to play the card game hand and foot. I sure do love all these Sisters and we all love the opportunity we have in May and August to get away for "girl time". If the truth be told I think the Elder's enjoy their men's day just as much even though it involves all the work of keeping the sites maned. They always manage to squeeze some fun in along with the work.

Thursday Elder Lindsey and I were assigned to Handcart Parking, a post we love during trekking season because it is so busy and you get to interact with all the treks both before and after their experience in Martin's Cove. Unfortunately there was only one small family trek on the trail so we had to entertain ourselves in different ways.

Elder Lindsey on snake watch.

This is the blow snake we were watching. Until he came out from under the restroom we didn't know if he was dangerous. He was actually quite beautiful and docile having had a nice meal of tiny baby bunnies.

Finally we can say we saw the deer and the antelope play...up to  this point we'd seen only antelope but today at Handcart Parking we watched this small herd of deer pass by.

We did get an opportunity to share a couple of rescue stories with a family that treked. That is something we always love to do.

Friday  because of the rain we did some inside work. One crew did a deep cleaning of the barn and got extra tables set up to prepare for the guests of the missionaries who join us for Sunday potluck. 

Saturday we and the Smiths left early and headed to Casper with three large and one child sized handcart to participate in the 2nd annual gumbo cook off sponsored by the Interpretive Trails Center. In addition to the handcarts and other activities for children there was a car show, a carnival and of course free gumbo. We had a good time helping people with the handcarts and enjoying everything else the festival had to offer. In the afternoon two other couples came to take over and after a quick stop at Walmart we headed home.

Sister Smith an I in front of our favorite truck...a bread delivery truck from the 1950's.

When we arrived back at the Homestead Elder Lindsey and I did some baking. He made three pies and I made rolls for Sunday's potluck.

Sunday was wonderful for Elder Lindsey and I because one of our Rosebud families came to visit. The Barker's were heading home from a visit to their families in Utah and Idaho so they came to spend Sunday with us. They arrived just before Church started and were able to attend all the meetings with us plus potluck. It was so great to spend time with them and the kids. Pictures tell the story.

Mikashia and I showing off our lip color with a selfie.

Mikashia and I taking pictures of each other.

The Barker kids...sure do love these guys!

The whole Barker clan.

Elder Lindsey and I both got lots of baby holding time with Savanna in addition to playing with the other kids and visiting with Ryan and Laura. We told all the other missionaries that we've adopted this family as one of our own.

Another week has flown by and the one ahead is already filled with many new experiences. Our prayers go out to the family of Elder Perry as they mourn his passing. Our love and prayers are with each of you.

Elder and Sister Lindsey

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